Archives 2021

Audit Scope of Chartered Accountant in Banks

Source- BCA The Banking system normally using the services of CA profession to examine the banking operations from a “Safety and Soundness” perspective.  Regulator Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has been depending upon the CA profession to ensure that the Banking system remains under control. Statutory Audit -Every Bank under the respective Act to get […]

What is PTEC and How to do PTEC Payment?

About PTEC: PTEC means Professional Tax Enrollment Certificate. Professional tax is levied by the State Government as a source of revenue and it’s a Direct Tax. PTEC permits to pay the professional tax of the business entity (Private Ltd, Public Ltd, OPC, etc) and also of the owner or professional (sole proprietor, partner, director, etc). Self-employed persons who […]

Input Service Distributor (ISD) under GST Law

What is Input Service Distributor under GST Law? A supplier of goods /services may have various offices such as head office (registered office), regional office, branch office, sales depot etc., Such units having large share of common expenditure (input services) but get invoiced on centralized location may obtain registration as an Input Service Distributor for availment […]

No Depreciation on Goodwill from 1st April-2021

The Hon’ble Finance Minister presented the Union Budget 2021 on 01 February 2021 wherein announced “No depreciation to be allowable on Goodwill from 01 April 2021” (assessment year 2021-22 onwards). The tax authorities always argued that the depreciation on goodwill in business restructuring like Merger and Acquisition should be disallowed. The rationale beside that no […]

Hon’ble Supreme Court Order on Extension of Limitation period applies on Indirect Tax Laws?

Hon’ble Supreme Court Order on Extension of Limitation period: In view of the Covid-19 pandemic the Hon’ble Supreme Court took suo motu cognizance of the situation arising from difficulties that might be faced by the litigants across the country in filing petitions/applications/suits/appeals/all other proceedings within the period of limitation and in furtherance of its Order […]