Annual Compliance for Private Limited Companies

A private limited company is requires to file certain forms as an annual Compliance.
Form MGT-7
Form MGT-7 which includes information about the company, its shareholders, Directors, KMP etc. as on 31st March and filed with ROC. As per Section 92 & Rule 11, 12 of Companies (Management & Administration) Rule 2014 all class of Companies included small company and one Person Company (OPC) must file this form within 60 days from the date of Annual General Meeting of the company.
Form AOC-4
Filing of form AOC-4 for submitting financial statements (Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet) along with Board’s report, Auditors’ report, Statement of subsidiaries in Form AOC-1, details of CSR policy etc. AOC-4 must be certified by Company Secretary or Practising Chartered Accountant and filed with the ROC.
Form MGT-8
Form MGT-8 is a certification given by a Practising Company Secretary, under Section 92(2) of Companies Act 2013.
MGT-8 filling is applicable on Companies:
- A listed company or
- A company with paid-up share capital of Rs 10 crore or more or
- Turnover of Rs. 50 crore or above
Form DPT-3
DPT 3 is a form to file details of deposits or say transaction not considered as deposit under rule 2(1)(c) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposit) Rules, 2014.
DPT-3 filling is not applicable on:
- Government companies
- Banking companies
Form ADT-1
Filing form ADT-1 regarding appointment or change in auditor if any during the year
Form DIR-3
Filing DIR-3 KYC Form for KYC of directors having a Director Identification Number (DIN No.).
Filing of KYC of company on yearly basis.
All the above form need to file within time allowed as per Companies Act. 2013
Some more activities need to be done
- All the Director have to provide MPB-1 to the company specify their interest in other entities in the first board meeting of financial year.
- Dir-8 is to be given by directors to the company every year in the initial board meeting about their disqualification.
- Minutes book of Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting should be maintained in writing, signed and kept by company.
- Apart from all above if there is a change in anything, the company had to take note of it and if required to file the form to ROC, then it should be filed on time.
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